Sunday, June 5, 2016

Two Month Gotcha Day!

June 4, 2016

Two months ago today you were handed over to us in a van. Screaming, crying, confused, and scared. Though you gained a brother, a sister, and a mommy and daddy, you lost everything and everyone you had ever loved. 

While your world was suddenly turned upside-down, we were shown in sharp clarity how fiercely God loves us. 

Even when we don't love Him or want Him near, He pursues us. Even when we openly reject him. He loves us that much. We love you that much. We grieved for you and alongside you until slowly, slowly... you trusted us enough to allow us into your precious, aching heart.

Parenting you, Tai CheolHo, will forever be one of our greatest joys and privileges in life.

 At almost two and a half years old, you have learned the English words for all of the colors (you already knew them in Korean) and can correctly identify them. You remain mesmerized by the fruit and vegetable videos on YouTube, as well as those found in your books. You can say the names of many foods (croccoli/broccoli, apple, kiwi, beebewies/strawberries, mon/lemon, orangee/orange, bwed/bread, nana/banana, corn, ikeem/ice cream, and more). You can say "eat" and "all gone." We have had to limit your fruit intake, as you are a voracious fruitaholic.

You absolutely ADORE songs and fingerplays in English. You try to sing along and recreate the motions to The Wheels on the Bus, Hickory, Dickory Dock, The Five Finger Family, Old McDonald, and the Listen Song. You watch these songs and fingerplays on "your" iPad, as well as the Kinder Surprise videos. You also enjoy watching some Korean cartoons such as Robocar Poli and Tayo.

Out of all of your cars and trucks, police cars are still your favorites. You make the sound effects as you race them around the kitchen. You play with the many rescue vehicles and Tayo buses that your Korean Omma sent home with you.

When Grant and his friends walk in the door, you immediately take their hands and lead them to the trampoline. Grant needs only to say, "Tai CheolHo, haja jumpo jumpo!" and you drop everything and begin sprinting outdoors toward your favorite bounce spot.

You are prone to climb in your stroller in the garage at least once per day and proclaim, "Annyeong, ducks!" This is our signal that you want us to take you for a stroll by the ponds to see the many ducks and their baby ducklings (as you are still learning a lot of new English words, geese are also referred to as ducks). 

You continue to hone your culinary skills in your kitchen. You chop the wooden sushi we bought for you, and now purposely mismatch the velcro foods while shaking your head and saying, "Noooo....nooo," until you decide to find the matching half.

When we ask, "Ssisuelka?" (Do you want to bathe?), you drop whatever you are doing and run to the bath. I believe it is possibly your favorite part of the day. You go underwater without hesitation and love to float on your back. Not only are you Korean, you are also part fish.

We read Goodnight Moon and Baby Boo! every night before bed. You kiss all of the babies in Baby Boo!, and point to every clock in Goodnight Moon. When you say "moon," it sounds more like "mung," your word for dog.

You are busy, busy, busy, but rarely angry. Sad? Yes. Frustrated? Yes. Extremely attached to Omma right now and suffer extreme separation anxiety? Yes. However, you have never, ever even attempted to strike out at any of us or the dog. Had any of us been in your place, I am fairly certain that punches would have been thrown. You can tantrum like any two year old, but they are usually short-lived.

Your Appa and I have a fresh perspective on parenting the third time around. We have seen that these toddler days are fleeting. We know we will blink and you will be rolling your eyes at us and asking to have a buddy spend the night or begging us to buy you deodorant (even if you don't need it quite yet). The pillow on our couch reads ENJOY THE LITTLE THINGS IN LIFE, FOR SOMEDAY YOU WILL REALIZE THEY WERE THE BIG THINGS. These days of playing cars, reading books, wiping tears, snuggling you to sleep at night? They are the big things that we no longer take for granted. I vividly remember the day early last summer when your sister announced, "I can put myself to bed. You don't have to do it anymore." I didn't know that the night before was the last time I would officially tuck her into bed.

The tantrums, constant feeding, and clinginess of a toddler? That, too, will pass quickly and strangely unnoticed.

You are happy, gentle and loving, and were described by some of the mamas at the park as a little teddy bear. There is no better feeling in the world than when you run to me, jump into my arms, and wrap your arms and legs around me like a koala bear while patting me on the back as you tuck your head into my shoulder. Anna used to watch a show called Little Bear when she was a toddler. That's you, dear Tai. Our own Little Bear.

You have breathed fresh life into our family, sweet Tai, and we thank God for you every day! Happy Two Month Gotcha Day!

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