Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ten Things... For my daughter on her tenth birthday

My sweet Anna Grace,

Today you are TEN years old!  A decade. 3,653 days (including leap years). 87,672 hours. Approximately 5,260,320 minutes on this Earth. In keeping with the theme of TEN, I thought I would share with you ten things that I pray you come to know and remember in the coming years.
  1. Anna Grace. Anna means "full of grace." Your name is redundant (both of your names mean the same thing). You will mess up. So will everyone else. May your doubly graced name remind you to both accept and give grace in abundance. 
  2. Purpose. Many people spend their lives searching for their "purpose." I say you already have a purpose: Love God. Love People. It is as easy and difficult as that. This will look different at different times in your life, but the purpose remains the same.
  3. Travel the world. This will show you both how small you are and how big is the God we serve. You will begin to fathom the awesomeness of a God who knew you (one of seven BILLION people on this Earth) even before you were in my belly. "Before I made you in your mother's womb, I chose you. Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work." Jeremiah 1:5
  4. Show compassion. When you were two years old and we were living in Texas, your preschool teachers told me, "If anyone in the class is hurt or sad, Gracie (as you were known then) runs across the playground to comfort them." The world is a much larger, less kind playground. Remember when you see someone hurting, it is still okay to run to them across the playground...or lunch room... or gym... or classroom... or country and love on them.
  5. Friends. Choose your friends wisely.  In the coming years, you will see paths diverging as your peers choose different routes. In regards to your closest confidantes, choose the friends who choose to follow Jesus through their words and actions.  A true friend will build you up and encourage you in your walk with Christ. I pray you will do the same. "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm." (Proverbs 13:20) Others will ridicule you for your faith and your decisions. 
  6. Love them anyway.
  7. Laugh. Give yourself permission to have fun and laugh.  Life is serious enough.  When laughter presents itself, embrace it. There will be plenty of occasions when you are not sure whether to laugh or cry. Laugh.
  8. Challenges. You will encounter obstacles. You are a very bright young lady. School has been relatively easy for you. Your homework is getting more difficult. It will continue to do so. Allow yourself permission to learn, and then celebrate those accomplishments.  If you already knew it all, you wouldn't need to go to school. Try to remain calm, take a deep breath, and remember that it is okay to ask for help. It's also okay to not always get it right. This will help you in life, as well. Nobody knows it all.  That's why God gave us each other.
  9. Boys.  I have a lot to say about boys, but will save much of it for a later letter. First, keep an eye on the boys who love Jesus, who love people, who are kind and helpful to everyone.  Keep an eye on the other boys, as well.  I'll elaborate on them at a later date.
  10. Call your mom and dad.  You don't have a cell phone yet, but I know the day is coming.  Texts are fun and easy, but moms and dads need to hear your voice. Though you are looking more and more like a woman each day, to us you are still the little girl in pigtails with a tiny backpack ready for her first day of preschool.  Humor us. :)
Anna, your daddy and I are so proud of the young lady you are becoming. Your freckle-faced, braces-adorned smile makes my day. You continue to surprise me with your mature insight into friendships and life. You are the biggest animal lover I know. It is a joy and privilege to parent you (yes, even when you declare that I am "ruining" your life- I know you don't mean it and I figure it means I'm doing something right). Growing up is hard.  Emotions get a little crazy as you assert your independence and I learn to let go. That's okay. We're gonna love each other through it. Thanks for being my Gracie Girl.  I'm so glad God trusted me enough to give me the best job ever, Anna Grace's mom.
