Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pictures, Finally

Cousin Addie and Gracie

One tired little man

Gracie, Daddy, and Grant having a good time "night swimming"

Grant and his upside-down Spider Man glasses

Daddy catching some air

Addie, Gracie, and Reese tubing

Daddy and Gracie wake boarding

Volleyball at the Family Reunion

Finally, we are home and I can upload some pics of our last trip to Missouri. The kids are VERY happy to be home. They have been playing well together, and Gracie even cleaned her room AND made her bed without being asked.

Grant told me more about "Honey" today. As I was putting him to bed he told me, "I love Honey." I thought he was referring to the dripping, golden kind. However, he then followed his statement by announcing that his beloved had fallen in the pond, went to the bottom, and was then eaten by a shark. FABULOUS! I asked him if the firemen or police came to get her out (I was trying to save poor Honey!) and he agreed that she had, indeed, been rescued. He also informed me that Honey sleeps with him, "Because I'm the daddy and she's the mommy." His active imagination is both entertaining and disturbing at the same time!

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