Saturday, July 11, 2009

Grant is THREE!!!

I simply can not believe that my little Grant-Man is now three years old! I am feeling mixed emotions concerning his new "big boy" status. It seems that overnight he went from that little chubby, dimpled (and colicky) baby in the crib to a mini-man sleeping in a bunk bed and wearing Spiderman underwear. Thus, I am writing him a little note to remember the highlights of his third year of life.

My dear little Grant-Man,

You have been a spirited little guy since those first colicky cries three years ago. Your zest for life and enthusiasm for all things icky, dirty, and buggy have only intensified over the past year. I can only giggle as I imagine your daddy's face this week when you asked him while fishing, "Daddy, do worms turn into gum?" This week you have been caring for your first "pet," an Eastern-eyed Click Beetle. Remarkably, he has survived an entire week. You play with worms for hours, even dipping them in the watering can to give them "drinks." Mud draws you like a magnet, and the joy on your face is contagious.

Another favorite hobby of yours this year is throwing rocks into ponds or lakes. I will always remember your third birthday at Table Rock Lake. You awoke very early, so I took you on a walk. We hiked to the tip of the land, where it jutted out into the lake. You threw rock after rock into the water, mesmerized by the cascading ripples and jumping with excitement when you found a "weally big one." As you tired of tossing rocks, you walked over to where I was perched and sat down next to me. You then leaned over, wrapped your little arms around my waist and said, "Mommy, I love you." It was a magical moment, sitting there in the dewy morning air while taking in the glassy water with you, my sweet dinosaur-pajamaed boy. My baby may be gone, but what a loving "big" boy you have become.

Favorites: Your favorite books this year have been A Walk with Grandpa, The Great Honey Hunt, and all books related to diggers, tractors, and animals. Your favorite color is "balue", cereal is oatmeal, and meat is chicken. You love Bob the Builder and the movies Charlotte's Web, The Polar Express, and Mary Poppins. Your imaginary friend Bubba has been with us for most of the year. "Jah-Jah," your other friend, joined us recently. Tonight you announced to me that you also have a "honey," and that you are the "daddy."

My prayer for you in the coming year is that you will continue to pursue your curiosities, grow in your abilities to show love and compassion, and follow in the footsteps of your daddy as you grow in your faith in God and desire to help others. Following in your daddy's footsteps shouldn't be too difficult considering that you are rarely more than a half step behind him. The only time that Daddy is pushed aside in favor of Mommy is at bedtime. When Daddy asked you why you always want Mommy to put you to bed you told us, "Because Mommy's soft..."

Thanks for all of the "schnuggles," buddy. I love you!


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