Thursday, January 22, 2009

Battling Sickness and the Sillies

Gracie and I on our "Girls Night" to dinner
and "Dancing with the Stars"

Sick little Grant with his non-talking dog

The kiddos (and the rest of us) have been battling all sorts of sicknesses over the past two weeks. Gracie and I prayed tonight that God would heal our little family and keep us all healthy for a while. Grant is back on breathing treatments and antibiotics, but plows along through it all. The albuterol made him CRAZY, so the doctor switched him to another form of it that is MUCH better. I coudn't help but giggle as he busted a move wearing only a diaper to "Hail to the Chief" as Barack Obama was sworn in as President. I'll always remember innauguration day as the day when Grant was hyped up on steroids. We've also had the oh-so-fun stomach bugs and fevers to top it all off. I have high hopes for the month of February after all that January has brought us.

Along the lines of sickness...
Grant, who has had a runny nose since October, accidentally poked himself in the eye last night while I was putting him to bed. He looked up at me with his watery eye and said, "Mommy, my eye has a runny nose!"

Lastly, both of my children have made some rather large requests over the past few weeks. Grant recently asked me if Truman, our black lab, can talk. When I told him that "No, real dogs do not in fact speak," he responded with, "Well, then we need to go to the store and get him a new mouth." Problem solved.

Gracie, upon hearing that one of her best friends is going to be a big sister for the second time, is now lobbying God to either place a baby in my tummy or prod us toward adoption. The last time she talked to God about a new baby, I got pregnant with Grant!

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